“I speak to you an eternal truth: if you embrace my message and believe in the One who sent me, you will never face condemnation. In me, you have already passed from the realm of death into eternal life!”
John 5:24 TPT version

My Obong Anwan, as I used to call you affectionately. You have shockingly left me to be with the Lord and have an eternal and timeless rest without a word.

Who might have been powerful or sufficiently strong enough to snatch you away from me, asides from the Almighty God who brought you to this revolting earth, and a world that lies in wickedness. Hmm… who am I to ask him questions? I just need to give in and submit to His amazing awesome will; He has a purpose for allowing it.

Rest in peace, my dear. Find happiness in the bosom of your maker until we meet that day to part no more.

Farewell, my dear!

 *Your E. T*


….. all things considered in Christ will be generally made alive I Cor. 15:22

Mummy, I’m unceasingly thankful for the honour to be your most memorable first strength, to open your womb, to be part of a divine legacy with which God has honoured you. A legacy of peace, boldness, honesty, resilience in the face of intimidating storms, (as demonstrated in your enviable marriage), a legacy of great faith; by ensuring all your fifteen Grandchildren had smooth deliveries and always there for the early caregiving. Not only that, you were a strong witness to the wedding ceremony of your first grandchild. What a blessed woman!

Mummy, you have lived your name to the fullest, Ema-abasi. You exhibited this love for God to the end. This trait you have successfully passed down to us your children. We will love God till eternity.

Oh, Mummy, you were such a peace-maker, forgiving, a seasoned marriage counsellor, a unifier, hardworking, a home maker, burden- bearer for many, and a steadfast steward in the Lord’s vineyard.

You were an epitome of the scriptures in Heb11:35 ‘Women received their dead raised to life again’… truly, Mum, that was you for me. By faith in your God, you stood through and snatched me from the fangs of cancer. I can never forget your selflessness, Mum. You said I should live for you. I am alive now, Mum, but you have shockingly left me. Nonetheless, from the pages of my heart, I’m so thankful and so thrilled that today I’m on my feet to send you forth gloriously. You’ve fought a good fight, you have finished your course, you have kept the faith… there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness 2 Tim 4-7-8a Praise God!
Mummy, Your Stone of Help, that was with you, will be with us!

Mum, I’m persuaded of better things concerning you, I’m so convinced I will see you again; for truly, in Christ, all shall be made alive. I love you, Mum! Rest well!

 Blessing Divinewealth-Anie (Fine)

It is hard to say goodbye to you, Mma Ene (as I used to call you fondly).
We were just planning how to gather the whole family together, kids and all, from everywhere for the first time in one place to celebrate your 80th birthday in appreciation to God for keeping you in our lives for  this long. We forgot that God’s thoughts and ways are not ours. He had decided it was time to bring his daughter home to rest. We can’t question our God. We can only give thanks for allowing us to enjoy all your motherly care, love, and nurturing for all these years.
Years of mothering all that ran to you that badly needed a mum at the time.
You, Mma Ene, were that mother-hen that offered protection, help, care to all that ran into your nest. You opened your doors to everybody that was running from storms of all sorts.
You taught us the ways of God, patience, compassion, and how to be at peace with everyone. You would rather bring together than allow to scatter. A woman with a heart of gold, that would share all that she had. You were our umbrella from God.
Mma Ene, your passing has left a hole on our hearts too big to fill. We will not cry hopelessly because God has taught us to number our days, for we will meet again. Your memories will remain ever fresh in our hearts forever. The children miss you sore.

Sanga sung, Mma Ene! May God reward your years of  selflessness and service to God and humanity with a crown of glory, peace, and joy this world can never give you until we meet again. We love you and miss you very much. Rest in God’s arms.

Anietie Udoh (son)

**Tribute to my beloved Mum**


I lack words to describe the grief I have felt since God took you. I know it is inevitable for everyone, but I still wish you had stayed much longer to enjoy more of God’s blessings for your years of service to our family and humanity.
You were the real epitome of a virtuous woman; caring, selfless, kind, humble, disciplined, prayerful, peace loving, hardworking and above everything, you loved and served God till your last breath.
I cannot question God for taking back his angel in his own time, because he is all knowing beyond human comprehension. My consolation is in the fact that you lived a very good life, impacted everyone you came across positively and you are now in a better place, free from the issues of this world.
All I can say is, thank you for all your love, care, nurturing, prayers, sacrifices, wise counsel and guidance over the years that has kept our family together and molded my siblings and I to become who we are today.
I will only keep and cherish the best memories of you, the happiest moments we shared and continue to celebrate and sustain your legacy. I will miss you.
Rest in Glory my beloved Mum.
Godwin Udoh (Son)


My darling mummy, I struggled to write this tribute because nothing prepared me for this day. Words are inadequate to describe a phenomenal woman like you.
My warrior queen. Meek as a dove yet solid as rock. Lover of peace and fountain of wisdom.

 You taught us to love and serve the Lord above everything else.  We watched you do it in season and out of season, in laughter and in pain,in sickness and in health, in abundance and in lack, come rain, come shine your love for God was unshakeable and you loved him till the very end.

You were consistent in doing what was right. Your kind is rare.
As if you knew time was running out, you spent the last few visits and calls ministering to your grandchildren and ensuring that they read and followed the devotionals you religiously brought and dispatched from Uyo. Now it is clear that you wanted to secure the next generation too, typical of you. Nothing is left undone.

Your goodwill and grace has rubbed off on us. We enjoy immeasurable favour because of your impact in our lives, and being called your daughter is one of my priceless badges.

My heart is broken, Mum, this was not the plan. We travelled everywhere together, the last 6months and talked about many things. Those memories will be forever cherished.

You withstood many armies and surmounted many obstacles in your lifetime. I was so sure you would overcome this too but God answered in His perfect way. By 2am, about the time you drew your last breath, Heb. 11:2 was the word He gave to me,” by faith the elders obtained a good report”.  I know you have obtained a good report and have received your crowns. Therefore, I surrender to His will, grateful that you made it to His bosom because that was your highest goal.
Now you sing with the angels, melodies Sanky had not written.

The race is ours now. God will help us to finish strong. We will uphold your legacy and your labour will not be in vain.

Your grandchildren will miss grandma-Uyo. We will miss your voice, your smile, your hugs, your good food and your words.
Our world is not the same without you.

Adieu! My pillar and role model. We will see you on the resurrection morning.


Mrs Udeme Okuyedi

Mummy mmi,
I still find it very hard to believe that you are gone.
Some days I still feel like you are going to call as you used to.
When we bade you farewell in March it wasn’t forever, It was till you come again.
I never knew you had just finished your last assignment with me and my family.
Your presence still lingers in my home

We miss you dearly Mummy
It still feels like a dream
You are irreplaceable.
Life feels different without you
It’s so painful to know that my baby will not experience your wonderful love when he is grown.
The brief moment you shared with him at birth till you left will be all he will have to cherish
My children do miss you, they are all shocked that you are gone.

We will forever be grateful for the gift of you
For the privilege of being your children and our children, your grand children.
To have seen those beautiful smiles, heard your hearty laughs, listened to your beautiful voice when you sing
To  have experienced love from a heart so pure and the hugs and encouragement you gave
We were indeed blessed to have shared your life

Thank you for pointing us to Jesus and showing us how to serve, walk with and depend on Him
Thank you for your sacrificial love
Thank you for your spiritual covering over our lives
For sharing our pain and our joy and believing in us
Thank you for praying with us through different phases of our lives and always willingly coming to spend time with us
Thank you for taking care of all of us and our families
Thank you for modeling to us strength in meekness and peacefulness.
Thank you for raising us well
I can only imagine your heavenly rewards

We love you forever Mum,our blessing from God.
Words can’t express so well what the heart feels
The Heavens rejoice as you appear before your King
We receive strength and comfort from God
And rest in the assurance that there you are at peace
Adieu Mummy,till we meet again in glory
You are forever in our hearts.

Mrs. Uduak Ekumankama(Daughter)

Dear Mom,

As I sit down to write this tribute, tears stream down my face, and my heart overflows with emotions. I wish I could turn back time and spend more moments with you, but even in your absence, your love and legacy live on in me.

You were more than just a mother; you were my guiding light, my confidante, and my best friend. Your unwavering support, unconditional love, and selflessness inspire me every day. Your kindness, generosity, and compassion have shaped me into the person I am today.

I cherish the memories of our laughter, our late-night conversations, and our silly jokes. Your warmth and care were my safe haven, my comfort zone. You taught me to be strong, to persevere, and to always believe in myself.

Even though you’re no longer here, your love remains my anchor, my strength, and my beacon of hope. I promise to carry your legacy forward, to make you proud, and to pass on the values you instilled in me to future generations.

Thank you, Mom, for being my everything. I love you more than words can express. Rest in peace, and know that you will forever be in my heart and memories.

Your loving son,

Imeobong Udoh


It is like a dream since the day I received the news of your glorious home-going, I wish it was a dream but not at all; it is a reality that you have departed from this life to the great beyond.
The most shocking part of it, is that you left so suddenly without any parting word for us; no word of comfort, no Godly counsel, oh Mum, I wish I could turn back the hands of the clock to bring you back to life. I recalled the day you made a promise to our late mother on her dying bed that you will take care of all of us, yes, you have done excellently well and even surpassed it. I am a living witness to that fact.
Even when we have grown up to become men and women, you never ceased to surport us morally, financially, materially and spiritually, your shoulders have always been there for us to lean on at good and bad times. Whatever God has allowed, we cannot question Him but to give Him all the glory for knowing, seeing and understanding ALL THINGS.
Adieu! Our ever smiling, sweet, humble and caring Mummy, you are one in a million. We shall miss your Godly counsel, tender loving care, prayers and  good hospitality.
May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
Rev. Dr. Sylvanus W. Umoh
Your brother/step-son.


Mum, it is unbelievable that you are no more. The event of 27th April is still like a dream to me. When I met you in the hospital, I thought in a couple of hours you’ll be up, called me, hold my hand and give me that motherly smile which is the compliment you never withhold anytime you see me, but rather you continued deeper in the sleep than the usual. Mum, your exit into glory on that fateful day is indeed a very hard one for me to endure. I am still battling to come out of the pains of your departure. Eka-yid as I fondly called you, the vacuum you left is too wide and no one is there to fill it. “My one in a million mother” you were playing a double role a (Sister and a Mother) in the life of your siblings without complaining any time. I remember in 1973 when our mother was very sick, she called you and handed over to you, your six siblings to take care of. Thought it was a very sad moment to us, yet you took up the responsibility of caring for us with your whole heart and ran through the task successfully to the end.

Most of the time, we fondly called you Mma Ene, I will ever remain thankful to you for all your motherly advice, trainings, care and love you showered on me to be what I am today. Mum thank you for showing me the way of God through your exemplary life, you were humbled, hardworking, very devoted in serving God, a virtuous woman, accommodative, you treated our friends as your own children whenever they visited us. Mum I still remember that in our house weather you are around or not anyone that comes must be served with food according to a stand by instruction you gave us.

Mum, you showed me that living a life of contentment and fear of God is the best life to pursue. Thank you so much mum for giving us all it takes to make life meaningful and best for our existence. A Great Daughter of Zion, my Choir Mistress, I wish you could have lived longer to reap the fruits of your labour, but you left us at the time we need your motherly advice, love and care more. I am encouraged in the fact that you live a godly and successful life. I pray that your maker and saviour reward you accordingly. Amen.

May the Lord give you eternal rest in His bosom.
Adieu my indefatigable mother.
Adieu my beautiful and virtuous mother.
Your memories will remain evergreen in me.
Asiere mum, we shall meet in that resurrection morning and never to part anymore.

Mrs. Mary E. Willie




For we know that if the earthly tent [our physical body] which is our house is torn down [through death], we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.(2 Corinthians 5:1)AMP.

Above scripture gives us great assurance that Mummy, as we  referred to our endeared Mother-in-law,lives on!

She was sweet, selfless, warm,sacrificial and WHOLLY given to the LORD.
Mummy was so REAL and RICH in love towards ALL PEOPLE that God brought her way.

For close to three decades of knowing her, she’s been exemplary in Love,Joy, Peace,Longsuffering,Goodness, Gentleness,Faith,Meekness and Temperance….Her Meekness particularly, could not be taken as weakness but strength under control! Mummy,in this wise,like biblical Moses, you’ve earned a choice place in the heart of your Maker!

Mummy,you are now part of the GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESSES… cheering ALL your loved ones on:
… saying:
 “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
2 Timothy 4:7


It was a rude shock when I was told of your sudden demise, it was like everything became still for a moment.
Then I started to reflect on the fond memories I have of you; the first day we met when i came for your daughter’s hand in marriage, how you welcomed me and my family whole heartedly without bias not minding the tribe I came from.
How can I forget the roles you played in each of the children delivery
Your visits to us in Lagos always gladden our hearts.
Mama, little did I know that our trip to Ghana would be the last time together, I remember telling you jokingly that daddy will pay another bride price cause you were really beautiful.
Your hospitality was second to none anytime I visited.
or is it the food stuff you send to us.
Mama, Your wise counsel to us as couple and to the kids too is really appreciated.
Your Christian lifestyle rob off your children
It saddened me to know I will not see you again
It saddened me to know I will not hear from you again.
It saddened me to know you will not be around for your great grand child delivery cause I always tease you on being a globe trotting mummy.
Yes all this are physical

But it gladdens my heart to know mummy that heaven has received an angel in person of you. A chorister to sing praises along side other angels.
Till we meet again
Fred Okuyedi


Addyyyy Mumsyyyyy! that is how I used to call you and you will respond Nwanyi Omaaa, the news of your passing left me devastated. You are one woman I love so much. You accepted me from the first day you set your eyes on me. You treated me like your biological daughter. I remember when I had my first son, the timely role you played saved me from having medical complications at birth.

Mummy, your passing really pains me because I was not prepared for you to go. I still wait to receive your call on Sundays after church for you to check up on me and pray for me; you would always end the call by saying “Mama, make sure you rest oh”.

My last conversation with you was for you to tell me when you can go to the market for me as usual to buy dry fish and the likes. It was unusual for you not to return my calls, I no know say my Mumsy dey sick, that’s why she no respond. Whenever you visited our home, you made sure you prepared big bowls of my husband’s favourite soups and ekpang nkukwo. Ha! Mummy you left a big shoe for me to fill, I will sorely miss you.

I will miss the way you narrate stories of events, you did it so well that one would feel they were there. You were very selfless and never gave me problems for one day in my marriage.  For me, I gained another mother. You gave me the best advice when I needed it the most, which has been working for me.

I am consoled because I had the opportunity to experience your love and exemplary life.
I am consoled because you gave your best to family and humanity.
I am consoled because I have a piece of you in my husband who chuckles like you, If I need to hear your sound, I just make him laugh.
Above all, I am consoled because I know you have joined your fellow angels in heaven to watch over us.

Thank you for accepting and loving me.
Thank you for the constant prayers.
Thank you for being my Nurse.
Thank you for all the advice, I remember them, and I will hold them strongly.
Thank you for allowing me to send you on errands like I do with my Mum

Your memories can NEVER be forgotten.

Rest in peace Mummy, I love you forever.

Mrs. Maureen Godwin Udoh (daughter in-law)


This is a hard pill to swallow ..Hmm..
It’s as if I’m still dreaming.
You were more than a mother-in-law to me. You were a precious gift from God to me and my family. Your unwavering love and support shaped my family. Your kindness and strength were a constant source of comfort, always there when we needed you most. One of the strongest women I had the privilege of knowing. You touched my life in countless ways, leaving behind a legacy of warmth, wisdom, and unconditional love. Your presence will forever be missed, but your spirit will continue to guide and inspire us.
I am eternally grateful for the time we shared and the beautiful memories we created together. “Oga Madam” as you fondly call me. Rest in power, my dear mother-in-love. You will always be in my heart.

Your Daughter in law


*Tribute from Sister-in-Law (Dr. Eme)*

It’s  HARD to think of you in past tense.  “Mma Enebros, Eka Fine”, became a Biological family peace-maker. She was the Pillar and Jewel of Enebros household. Sister, we are heartbroken, but we take comfort in knowing that your gentle soul is resting in perfect PEACE with  the Lord  in the Eternal Home – a better place than this hostile world. We WILL NEVER FORGET you.


Written by Dr. Ukeme Umana & Mrs. Christina Okpo Umana

We know Mrs. Udoh as Sister Emma and Auntie. I have known sister Emma way before marrying from the Okpo family. To me and most who knew her, she was the embodiment of Paul’s description of a person fully endowed with the Fruits of the Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness. Galatians 5:22-23

Whether in person or on the phone, her calm and reassuring voice was always endearing and full of hope. We have been blessed by how she maintained connections between the Okpo/ Udoh and Umana families. She knew everyone by name, she cared and did not waiver in her commitments.

The news of her departure continue to feel like boulder and we struggle to regain our balance. Okpo and Umana families have lost an angel but her legacy will live on. Now she is resting in the bosom of her heavenly father. Auntie! Sister! Goodbye for now until we meet at Jesus feet!!

We pray that God’s abundant Peace, Comfort and Love will overwhelm her family including husband, children, grandchildren and other loved ones left behind in Jesus Name!